Emotional Well-Being: A Simple Guide to Being Happier


Emotional Well-Being: A Simple Guide to Being Happier
Emotional Well-Being: A Simple Guide to Being Happier
Abigail Williams
June 25, 2024
Health and Wellbeing

Emotional Well-Being: A Simple Guide to Being Happier

Emotional well-being holds more weight in controlling our approach to life than most people think. This is especially important in this age because too much is happening at once, which makes people tend to ignore their emotional well-being while keeping up.

In this post, we’ll define emotional well-being in simple words, mention what affects your well-being, and how to improve your emotional health.

What Is Emotional Well-Being?

According to the National Center for Emotional Wellness, emotional well-being is understanding and accepting your feelings, and being able to manage them effectively through difficult times.

In other words, it’s the ability to correctly express your emotions in your daily life while having the resilience to keep your feelings under control through challenges.

Mental well-being affects how you can function and carry out your daily tasks, as well as how to interact with the people around you. Think of it like this: If you’re in a good mood, you’re a lot more likely to accept people’s mistakes, and to be patient while facing challenges in general.

Factors That Affect Your Emotional Well-Being

Your emotional well-being is like a battery. It will either drain or refill depending on various aspects of your life. These include but aren’t limited to:

1. Work Challenges

According to Gettysburg College, the average person spends 90,000 hours of their lifetime at work. That’s over 10 years of your life.

Because of that, it’s no wonder that workplace wellness is of utmost importance and that your job is a major contributor to your emotional well-being.

2. Your Relationship With Everyone Around You

Your relationships with your surroundings also play a critical role in your life. That includes your general and romantic relationships as well.

Good relationships can either improve your emotional well-being or create mental issues that were never there, to begin with.

3. Your Habits

Your habits can affect your body and mind. Healthy habits can improve your physical and mental health. Likewise, bad habits can do the opposite.

It’s important to monitor and identify your bad habits before they become muscle memory. The more you do a bad habit, the harder it will be to quit.

4. Your Sleep Pattern

Having a stable and organized sleeping pattern will keep your life on the right track. Your body and mind will be used to resting and functioning at fixed times, which is ideal for your biological clock.

Conversely, irregular sleep patterns and lack of sleep can severely impact your emotional well-being and quality of life.

5. Health Conditions

Leading a healthy lifestyle often leads to better mental health. That’s applicable even when a person has a disease that they’re able to keep at bay with a healthy lifestyle, like controlled diabetic patients.

On the other hand, health conditions can negatively impact your emotional well-being, especially if the disease is severe.

How Can I Improve My Emotional Well-Being?

Since many challenges in life can negatively affect your emotional well-being, there are no definite steps that you can follow to have holistic wellness. However, there’s a lot you can do to improve your perception of most problems that you can face in life.

1. Breathe

Breathing exercises, despite being one of the easiest methods to calm down the mind and the body, are among the most underrated techniques that are used to stabilize one’s emotional well-being.

Besides strengthening your lungs and opening up smaller airways, focusing on your breathing every day will help distract you from negative thoughts while your brain calmly works to find solutions for your problems.

2. Learn to Manage Stress

There’s no denying that life has become more stressful than ever, and that stress is there to stay. You can’t change that, but you can change your perception of stress and learn how to handle it.

By looking at stress as an inevitable obstacle that everyone has to face, you’ll be at peace with it and start acquiring methods to deal with it.

3. Accept What You Can’t Change

Some life events can’t be changed, and that’s a fact that everyone needs to properly understand.

Losing loved ones, struggling to get a stable income, and struggling to keep marriage and relationships stable are among the events that almost everyone will experience at one point in their lives.

By accepting such inevitable events, your mind will find it easier to cope with them, and your emotional well-being will improve.

4. Focus On Your Self-Awareness

Self-awareness is your ability to focus on yourself and to align your thoughts, emotions, actions, and reactions with your personal standards.

Many people struggle with a variety of life problems because they can’t properly interpret their feelings when they’re exposed to a certain situation or problem.

By focusing on your self-awareness, you understand yourself more, and you take proper responses to situations that happen in your life.

5. Exercise

The first thing that may have come to your mind is working out. While this isn’t wrong, it’s not completely true either.

Both mental and physical health are equally important to improve your emotional well-being. Your body needs exercises like walking, running, swimming, and the list goes on.

Similarly, your emotional status needs meditation, breathing exercises, positive reflection, and more.

6. Eat Healthy

The term “you are what you eat” isn’t at all exaggerated. Your food doesn’t only affect your body shape, it also affects your mood in many ways.

Food is a potent psychological and biological factor in deciding your mental condition. Eating healthy will keep your body and mind in good shape.

Conversely, eating unhealthy food, even if it’s tasty, will harm your gastrointestinal tract and psychologically impact you because you’re aware that you’re not eating healthy.

7. Stay Away From Alcohol as Much as You Can

When people celebrate, they drink. Oddly enough, they also drink when they’re depressed or trying to escape reality for a while.

Not only does that intoxicate your body, but it’ll also subconsciously train your brain that you can’t be happy or sad without drinking alcohol.

Being sober for years is always the prime goal, but if you can’t do that, at least try to avoid alcohol as much as possible.

Final Words

It’s understandable that people are neglecting their emotional well-being because of having to race through life, but even those with high resilience need a breather, even if it’s a small one.

Add some little positive things into your life to improve your emotional well-being, and they’ll cascade together and make your life better. It’ll be gradual, but it’ll be worth it.

Emotional Well-Being: A Simple Guide to Being Happier

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